Which type of website is best for your business?

When it comes to selecting the best website for your business, it can be a daunting task with so many options available. It’s easy to make the mistake of choosing something that looks impressive but doesn’t meet your customers’ needs.

While it may be tempting to ask a web designer to create a website similar to others you like, this approach can cause you to overlook essential elements that your website requires. So, how do you choose the right website for your business?

Let’s explore the key factors you should consider when deciding on a new web design.

Types of Websites – Which Best Describes Yours?

Small Business

Most small businesses have a website with several pages containing information about their products/services, contact details, and anything else visitors need to know before making a purchase. Small business websites aim to convert visitors into leads and do not typically offer a direct purchasing option.


An e-commerce website is ideal for selling products. This type of website allows you to create product pages that customers can view as if they were in a physical store. If they are satisfied with what they see, they can purchase it directly on your website. Think of it as an all-in-one online storefront.

One Page

One-page websites are typically used by smaller businesses that want to advertise who they are and what they do. They do not include any options for visitors to make purchases or sign up for email newsletters. Usually, the only point of contact will be a phone number, form or email address. One-page websites are similar to digital business cards.


A portfolio website is ideal for artists, designers, and photographers. These types of websites act as online galleries showcasing their work in a visually engaging way. Their primary focus is highlighting your work, giving you more visibility online and showcasing your skills to potential customers and clients.

What Do You Offer?

Before deciding on the type of website you want, you must define what your business offers. For example, do you sell physical products? Do you want your website to generate more leads for your business? Are you looking for a website that handles everything in your customer’s journey or acts as an initial point of contact? Knowing what you want from your website is crucial when selecting the right type.

Who Is Your Ideal Audience?

Knowing your audience is critical in making the right choice for your new website. For instance, what age range do your customers fall into? If they are in their early twenties, they will likely respond better to a particular website style and expect specific features that an older generation might find frustrating. Consider the needs and expectations of your specific audience.

Where Are You on Your Journey?

One mistake some businesses make when starting out is trying to be everything all at once and forgetting what makes them stand out. This can also affect the website they choose. If you are a small business just getting started, selecting a website full of fancy features, endless menus, and too many pages will overwhelm not only potential customers but also yourself.

If you are considering a new website, or feel your current website just isn’t getting the results you hoped for, then why not get in touch and book a quick, free online consultation where we can figure out some of the answers to the points raised above?

Gordon Sheppard

Gordon helps owners of small businesses and entrepreneurs in the service industries run a more effective business website. He can help your business improve sales, increase profits, and gain efficiency by providing a results-driven, consultative approach. With a career spanning over 30 years in technical support, marketing and service delivery, Gordon understands business owners' pressures to position themselves ahead of their competition in the service industry sector.

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